Kamis, 03 Februari 2011
what do you work for?
money? prestige? pride? self-actualization?

i simply work because i can. and because i want.

that's the only reason

that keeps me staying normal, even if my work's pretty insane.
that keeps me staying happy, even if my work's pretty pathetic.
that keeps me staying cool, even if my work's pretty lame.
that keeps me staying enthusiastic, even if my work's pretty exhausting.
that keeps me stay smiling, even if my work gets overloaded

some people may will never understand this reason.
even my closest ones.

that's fine. they have reasons to not to understand, anyway

0 Kenapa Ya?

Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010
(percakapan dengan salah seorang rekan kerja - ibu2 usia 35an)

She: Itu yang ribut-ribut Icha* sama Ina* kenapa sih?

Me: intinya sih Icha curhat di blog-nya gitu, soal si Ina sama suaminya..

She: blog? apaan tuh? kayak fesbuk?

Me: hmmm... *garuk-garuk kuping* gampangnya semacam diari online gitu deh... jadi bisa dibaca banyak orang..

She: lah? ngapain nulis diari onlen? kalo diari kan harusnya rahasia? nggak dibaca siapa-siapa?

Me: *garuk-garuk kuping, leher, kepala* errr... kenapa ya? :D

*)2 orang pesohor tanah air, nama disamarkan

0 After all I've done.....

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010
just read this at leilockheart.net

then i thought... damn this is so me..

no, not the 'forgetting' part. more like the last sentence one.

why do i push myself into tons of workloads all day long?
why do i keep myself (looked) busy doing things that don't even really that matters?

after all, i get nothing from my fucking jobs.
i didn't grow, nor develop. i didn't get lots of money either.
i didn't get pride, i didn't even get any knowledge that i wanted to learn.

i just do the same-shitty-tiring-routine, every each day.

i'm still in the same position that i used to stay, years ago. 

0 Saya Suka Dia...

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
Saya suka caranya mengungkapkan sesuatu dengan cerdas.
Saya suka wawasannya yang luas.
Saya suka selera musiknya yang, kebetulan, juga merupakan musik kesukaan saya.
Saya suka selera humornya yang kadang sedikit sinis.
Saya suka sudut pandangnya terhadap sesuatu hal.
Saya suka reaksinya yang terkadang sentimental.
Saya suka suaranya...

Saya pikir saya suka dia :)

0 Envy - A(nother) Never Ending Story

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
I'm such an envious being.

I'm not comfortable of being me. I always want to be look like other girls. Looking good, with perfect hair, perfect smile, anything I have not.

That's why I love to see attractive girls. On the streets, on the TV, in their pictures. Some of them don't even have to try. They don't wear latest fashions, or proper make ups, they're just born beautiful.

While me, in the other hand, has been doing lots of efforts just to be perceived better. I can say it's not working. Meh.

I know this may sounds pathetic, but I just want to be beautiful, like everyone else...
Kamis, 02 Desember 2010
Hey You,

I've managed to not stalk on you for the entire day. It was hard, and it IS still hard, especially when I know you're there, on this very moment.

But I survived. And I will survive.

I can pretend that there is nothing happened.

(or perhaps, there was nothing really happened. You know me, always being a delusional all the time).

I can resist you, and your existence.

But I can't resist that I miss you. And I want you.

-----end of transmission----------

0 Let's Buy (Other's) Life

Selasa, 30 November 2010

Bored with your life? Buy other people's life.
Thousands of people have led far more interesting lives, than u will ever lead.
Buy their pasts.
Buy the photographs of other people's lives.
Hang them in your walls. Stand them on your desks. Or next to your bed.
Pretend they're picture from your past.
They undoubtedly continue to lead interesting lives,
whereas you just as assuredly will not.

*taken from my fav tweople's tweet, 30/11/2010, dengan perubahan susunan :)*